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Downsized First Mainframe in Florida 45 Billion Dollar Tax Roll

Jul 27

1 min read




ORLANDO, Fla. — Real estate is a pretty hot commodity in Orange County, Florida — one of the fastest-growing counties in the country. This vacation mecca is home to Disney World, Epcot Center and the Disney MGM Studios Theme Park. And keeping track of the property values of attractions such as these — $45 billion in all — is a big job. A mainframe kind of job.

Or is it?

mainframe, | Premier 100 | Alan Mariotti, Hillsborough County

Not in the opinion of the information systems department of the Orange County Appraiser’s Office. It is within months of unplugging a “maxed-out” IBM 4381 and replacing it with a client/server network.

Mariotti, hardware, network, and solutions provider architected from conception to successful implementation. "The "maxed-out" 4381 Mainframe was reduced to 7 Compaq System Pro's, saving tax payers millions. 

Jul 27

1 min read





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